Peer Voted No. 1 Law Firm
Specialised Tax Solutions
Ready to render assistance on a large spectrum of tax services, from hotline services on day-to-day issues to complex tax planning or transfer pricing assignments.
About Us
Radu Rafiroiu ‐ Tax Office was set up early 2009 in a context of constantly growing need for independence and specialization. We currently operate with two tax advisers, ready to render assistance on a large spectrum of tax services, from hotline services on day-to-day issues to complex tax planning or transfer pricing assignments.
Tax Law
Radu Rafiroiu ‐ Tax Office is one of the few advisory offices in Romania engaged primarily in the practice of tax law. We advise on sophisticated tax matters and controversies of virtually every kind, and are often brought in as special tax counsel on major transactions.
Tax Is A Standalone Practice
At Radu Rafiroiu ‐ Tax Office tax practice is a standalone practice focused on solving complex tax problems while offering specialised tax solutions. When you need tax advice, that is what we deliver.

Radu Rafiroiu
Economist by education, Radu is a certified tax adviser with over 20 years of tax expertise. Besides tax law, Radu holds deep knowledge of accounting and corporate regulations. This allows him to offer multidisciplinary functional solutions. He is fluent in English.
Being an independent tax firm, we generate all our business ourselves. This requires us to focus all our attention on addressing the needs of our clients and, in turn, prompt our advisers render superlative services every day

Claudia Rafiroiu
Lawyer by education, Claudia changed corporate law for taxation more than 20 years ago. Her legal background beautifully complements the economic education of Radu. Claudia speaks excellent English and French.
Every assignment received from our clients is a commitment to mutual trust and partnership between our clients and us. It is our mission to design and implement the best solution to each client case

Our Practice Areas
Having been in business for over 20 years, our advisers are able to tailor complex tax solutions to the clients’ individual commercial requirements. This helps us manage our clients’ needs and gives them commercially functional tax solutions.

Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing has become an increasingly hot topic nowadays. Nearly always during tax controls, transfer pricing documentation comes on the agenda. Our advisers have been working on transfer pricing ever since transfer pricing regulations were first enacted. Their in-depth economic approach and the right language they use anytime when liaising with tax inspectors are factors that determined a huge amount of trust both amongst our clients and the representatives of the national authorities.
Tax Health-checks And Due Diligence
We believe one can better plan future if he looks into the past. Our tax health-checks and due diligence services aim to provide clients a radiography of their business’s tax risks and opportunities, with focus on available solutions to manage risks and convert them into opportunities.
Design of Tax Procedures
It is standardization that ensures decisions are made on a consistent basis and take all important factors into account. We help our clients design and implement coherent tax procedures which help their in-house accounting and legal staff deal with day-to-day tax issues in an efficient manner, on a consistent basis, whilst avoiding the risk to make mistakes in judgment.
Assistance During Tax Controls
Our advisers are reputable authorities in their practice areas. They developed strong working relations with government officials, as well as with legislators and their staff, and are often brought in to provide input on legislative matters. As a result, our advisers know the right language to use when liaising with tax inspectors and have good contacts with them.
Hotline Services
We all like to advise clients on sophisticated tax matters. At Radu Rafiroiu - Tax Office we equally like to bring our input on day-to-day issues and problems, as we understand the importance that a swift and pragmatic advice can have on the daily administration of our clients’ businesses. In this respect, we aim to build up a hotline with our clients, especially their in-house accounting and legal staff, but also their external advisers as a mean to ensure day-to-day business decisions are made in due time and in full compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
Tax Planning
Companies are frequently faced with cross-border transactions involving ownership of overseas subsidiaries and assets or international trade. Thus, in the context of international transactions tax cost can have a significant impact on the success of a deal. Radu Rafiroiu - Tax Office holds strong experience in areas such as M&A, sale and lease-back, intellectual property structuring, asset purchase and structured finance.
How It Works
Our hands-on approach assumes that we give our clients significant partner time. This secures the provision of superlative services every day. It is also the reason why we developed a huge amount of trust amongst our clients.

In this first phase we get to know you, understand your business and the particular challenges it faces, do our research and set the base for our collaboration.

During the strategy phase we work towards finding the optimal ways in which we can streamline all your business' relevant processes and procedures, addressing the particular challenges identified in the research phase.

We are with you in implementing the best tax solutions for your particular situation, with clear communication and actionable items.
Contact Us
If you want to book your first tax consultation or have aditional questions, feel free to get in touch

Bd. Griviței nr. 64, bl. 5, ap. 10, Brașov